Update on the running and life
So I started running again back at the end of February.
Everything was going great until I hit about 20 minutes. Then my leg started to
hurt. I just chalked it up to shin splints since that would be expected at this
point in the game. So I kept running, but by the time I was to be at 50 minutes
my leg was hurting unbearably, keeping me awake at night and making it very
difficult to concentrate on school work. After a teary e-mail to my coach it was
determined I should stop running, as at this point in the game a stupid
decision could take me out for triathlon season. It felt exactly like a stress
fracture so I assumed the MRI results were wrong. So I started to look for answers.
I got blood work done (soooo many vials, they must have checked EVERYTHING), a
bone density scan, and a bone scan. I also had a gait analysis done by Sean
Delanghe at Price Health Center in Waterloo. It revealed that I actually don’t have
shitty form so my running technique is not likely to be the cause of my
problems. The blood tests came back with good news- I’m as normal and healthy
as can be. Bone density scan, which I was really worried about, came back also
with normal results. So last thing to check was the bone scan. Also normal. So
what is going on???? The sports doctor now suspects it may be chronic
exertional compartment syndrome. I have an appointment to check this out on
Saturday, where they will take $200 that I really don’t have and stick some
needles into my muscles. Although on the one hand this can be fixed through
surgery, it would require many weeks off from training (about 6). So although I
want answers, now is not a good time to be told I need surgery. I will have to
wait and see, but at the moment I am allowed to run for short amounts of time
and ice right afterwards.
On the job front, I am lacking. No job for the summer at the
moment. L I’m
pretty stressed about this at the moment but I must have faith that something
will come along. If you’re reading this and you have a job for me, I am willing
to work anywhere in Southern/Central Ontario, for minimum wage, doing whatever
needs to be done. Fingers are crossed.