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Saturday, February 28, 2015

A week of training camp

So I spent 12 days down in Arizona over reading week to get in a good block of training. The primary goal obviously was to get a good tan, which I was successful in doing.
I only take my watch off for showers. :) 

But really it was to get in some good bike miles in the warm weather and fantastic roads (there are wide bike lanes on pretty much every road in Tucson), and keep up some swimming and running. Rather than go into details that no-one cares about I decided that I would post what 7 days of training camp looked like for me. I’m sure I can’t be the only person who wonders what other triathletes get up to with their training, but not very many people post what they do. So hopefully this provides an interesting read J I arrived on Thursday night, so there were a couple of easier days before this, and a few days (also easing off the intensity) after.

AM- 60min run- easy
                2hr15min bike- easy aerobic
PM- 90min swim- hard

AM- 35min water run
                90min swim- moderate
PM- 3hrs bike- 2x20min in the middle

AM- 100min swim- ez
PM- big brick of 1hr ride, 1hr run, 1hr40min ride (all aerobic)

AM- 90min swim- moderate
PM- 2.5hr ride (hard but very fun intervals in the middle), 45min of drills/strides/core

AM- 30min warmup run + 50min step machine (so much fun) ;) + 10min core
                - 2hr15min bike- aerobic
PM- 90min swim- moderate

AM- 3hr45min bike (to Mt. Lemmon, 40min tempo up, down and back home)
PM- 80min swim + 20min water run

AM- 75min run- aerobic
90min bike- ez
PM- 90min swim- hard

This is definitely a volume of training that I have worked up to, but still left me pretty tired at the end of the training block and in need of a few days recovery. Overall it was a fantastic camp and I definitely feel I am moving in the right direction. I’m looking forward to March where I will start to add in some intensity into my running (I’ve just been building base up till now), and continuing the countdown till I am done university (46 days!).

Oro Valley pool. A picture's worth a thousand words.

at Gates Pass

The climb at Gates Pass- this picture doesn't do it justice.

just out for an easy run

runaway horses. traffic was stopped and the police were attempting (rather unsuccessfully) to lasso the horses

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